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Post Natal Care

Post Natal Care

Women and newborns require support and careful monitoring after birth. Most maternal and infant deaths occur in the first six weeks after delivery, yet this remains the most neglected phase in the provision of quality maternal and newborn care.

Basic care for all newborns should include promoting and supporting early and exclusive breastfeeding if possible, keeping the baby warm, increasing hand washing and providing hygienic umbilical cord and skin care.

Identifying conditions requiring additional care, and counselling on when to take a newborn to a health facility is critical. Families should be counselled on identification of danger signs, understanding the care that both the woman and newborn need, and where to reach services when needed. 

All women and newborns need postnatal checkups in the first 6 weeks. As with antenatal care, promoting a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, detecting and preventing diseases, supporting women who may be experiencing intimate partner violence and ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health including postpartum family planning are key to quality postnatal care.

New-born care involves helping both, child & parents to cope with the physiological, emotional and health changes that might arise.

This also involves,

  • immunization schedule,

  •  regular health check-ups 

  •  detection of any postpartum health complications for the child.

  • identifying the child’s signs & symptoms

  • Dealing with simple and routine conditions

  • Administering medicines (if any). 

With all the above precautions, we are sure to create a memorable birthing experience for you!